Project URL:
Disclosure: The goal of this project is to learn how to create a general messaging website, which included log-in, sign-up, add/remove friends, and a messaging system. It helping me being more involve with the Web Development field and familiarize myself with Angular 6, Socket IO, Json Web Token, CORS, MongoDB, etc. This is a personal project and used for Senior Design CECS 491A & CECS 491B class at CSULB (Full project link for the class, which included ASL single hand gesture recognition, python peer-to-peer video chat, and documentation can be found here). The majority of code and styling of this project is from the following tutorial Angular Ionic Node Build A Real Web Mobile Chat App class on Udemy. I simply modify the tutorial and add extra functionalities as needed to build this website.
Note: This will required 3 terminal. In my case, 2 terminal and a cmd. Try sudo
the command if console return access errors.
1. Run Nodemon Server
cd chatApplication/server
nodemon server.js
2. Run MongoDB Server
- Make sure you have MongoDB Server install or download from here
- I use cmd because MongoDB doesn’t work with Linux Sub-system on Windows 10.
- In my case, I run this command:
"N:\Programs\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin\mongod.exe" --dbpath "N:\Programs\MongoDB\data\db"
- Format:
Windows 10 command format: directory_path_to_mongod.exe_file --dbpath directory_path_to_the_database
- Follow MongoDB Documentation for instruction on how to run the server
3. Run Angular Server
cd chatApplication
ng serve -o
The -o
or --open
command from Angular CLI will automatic open the browser with the address http://localhost:4200